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Remember to rest.

We live in a culture that glorifies busyness and productivity. But without proper rest and moments of restfulness throughout the day, our bodies, minds and spirits do not function at their optimal capabilities. Allowing oneself to rest actually creates MORE energy and mental clarity. It heightens our ability to focus and ultimately makes us more productive! But WE MUST allow ourselves to rest.

Resting is NOT:

Laying on the couch/bed and catching up on social media feeds or sitting in front of a screen. 🙅🏾‍♀️📱🤳🏾❌💻🚫

When the mind is over stimulated the body/mind/spirit does not fully relax. Giving the mind/eyes a break from visual stimulation is thereby very supportive for TRUE relaxation. This will also help you notice HOW you are feeling so you can tend to and heal areas of your body or psyche that are asking for attention, rather than zone out and ignore them.

Resting IS:

Taking a nap 😴

10 minutes of slow, intentionally breathing 🧘🏽‍♂️

A 20 minute yoga nidra ~ intentional relaxation of every part of the body 🌚

Meditation in stillness 🧘🏽‍♀️

Drawing a hot epsom salt bath and focusing on your inhalations and exhalations while you soak 🛁🧖🏽‍♀️

Floating on your back in the ocean or laying flat on the earth and focusing on your breathing, while releasing what you don’t need down into the water/earth 🛀🏽 🍃

Going to bed early and aligning your wake/sleep cycles with the rhythms of nature 🛌

What would you add to this list?

How many of you have a difficult time resting?

How can you incorporate more restfulness into your day?

Sending you all my love and blessings! May the restfulness you choose today lead you to greater health, clarity and happiness!

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Updated: Feb 12, 2023

The greatest love you’ll ever know is the love you give yourself. Only this love can lead you to true happiness.

It is through deeply loving yourself that you will attract your truest reflections. Your soulmate. Your forever friends.

It is through deeply loving and honoring yourself that your heal your past traumas and ancestral and/or childhood wounds, freeing yourself up to experience love on even deeper levels.

It is through relentless self love and self discipline that you discover your own incredible potential and ability to be your healthiest and highest self.

It is through loving yourself fully that you fill up your cup so that you can pour love generously, naturally, effortlessly unto others.

Because you love you, you can love your family and friends, children and beloved ones.

Because you love and respect you, you can love and respect your Mother Earth.

And if you feel a lack of love or are looking for love outside of yourself, it is because the beloved within is crying out, asking you to pour more love into yourself. To tend to the wounded inner child. To feed the spirit and soul. To NOURISH yourself. To appreciate yourself. To create TIME and SPACE for yourself! Who else can do that, but you?

Today, show yourself some extra love. Give yourself a big hug and repeat after me:

“I am beautiful. I am magical. I am worthy. I deserve it. I am a divine expression of life. I love myself!”

Sending you my love, sweet friends! ♥️

Wearing Organic Intimates by my favorite organic apparel company, Pact. CLICK HERE to shop sustainably and check out their latest collection. Use my code ALOHA33 for 15% off of your first order!

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I once read somewhere that women have two hearts; one is the heart we all know and the second is the womb. It immediately struck me as true. Like the heart, the womb is where our emotions and feelings about ourselves, others and our experiences in this life are held. From the womb we can create and bring life and when the vitality of the womb is not nurtured, our souls begin to shrivel and die down. Our creative energy and essence is lost; our joy and happiness depleted.

It is ESSENTIAL, therefore, that we RECLAIM our womb spaces and give them the care and attention they need and deserve.

Reasons to tend to the womb include:

* Clearing old trauma and pain unconsciously held in the womb from childhood or past experiences in life

* Eliminating menstrual pain

* Restoring sexual and reproductive health

* Conscious preparation for conception, pregnancy and birth

* Improving fertility

* Awakening creativity of all kinds in one’s life

* Ensure a healthy menopause

* Balancing the sacral chakra

* Releasing old thought patterns and belief systems that are not your own

* Increasing feelings of joy, happiness and inspiration

* Enhancing overall health and well being of mind, body and spirit

Ways to tend to the womb include:

* Herbal yoni steams and sitz baths

* Castor oil packs

* External Womb Massage (watch THIS VIDEO to learn more)

* Internal Vaginal massage

* Daily herbal tea concoctions

* Monthly moon (menstrual) cycle rituals to honor and appreciate her functions, purpose and sacred nature

* Connecting with likeminded women and sharing womb stories

* Reading womb-centric books, studying and researching more on womb health

📚 Recommended reading:

* “Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom” ~ Catherine Northrup

* “Wild Feminine” ~ Tami Lynn Kent

To book a 1:1 Womb Health, Creativity and Fertility Coaching Session with me CLICK HERE.

How have you benefited from caring for your womb health? Please share in the comments below! 🌺🌸🌷🌼🌻💐

Photo credit: @afewgoodclicks 🍃

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